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Background Mosquito was one of the animals that can transmit deadly diseases.
Information about water reservoirs as their habitat as well as human knowledge,
attitudes and behavior factors are considered important to help eradicate mosquito.
This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of
cleaners on the number of mosquito larvae in water reservoirs in Palembang.
Methods This research was mixed method research (quantitative and qualitative) in
the field and laboratory. The research samples were all mosquito larvae and
containers found. The research respondents were all cleaning services. Data were
collected by interviewing and filling in questionnaires, observing water reservoirs
and identifying the types of mosquito larvae in microscope. Results A total of 40
containers were found in Punti Kayu Nature Park. There were 8 containers that were
indoors (20%) and 32 containers were outdoors (80%) with 17 containers contained
larvae. Of all the containers that were positive for larvae, 6 were filled with clear
water and 11 were filled with turbid water. The number of larvae found were 358
larvae outdoors and 82 larvae indoor with a total of 440 mosquito larvae with the
genus Culex spp. and Aedes albopictus species. The index of mosquito larvae were
obtained FLI (Free Larva index)=66,67%, HI (House Index)=33,33%, CI (Container
Index)=16,67%, BI (Breteau Index)=33.33% from the 3 buildings examined. From
these results, it was obtained DF (density figure) or density level of 5. There were 40
containers that could be habitats for Culex spp. and Aedes albopictus. Conclusion
The knowledge, attitude and behavior of the cleaning services were good. The
number of mosquito larvae could be influenced by the frequency of cleaning and the
lack of knowledge of the cleaning services.


Mosquito larvae Knowledge Attitude Behavior Public Health

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How to Cite
Aldi Alfian, Anwar, C., & Iche Andriyani Liberty. (2021). The Influence of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of Cleaning Officers with the Number of Mosquito Larvae in the Water Reservoir Punti Kayu Palembang City. Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research, 5(3), 286-294.